Yellow don’t mean Gold!

The internet is getting more and more influential by the day and tapping into its potential is more important now than ever before. In order to do this, people are getting more and more creative with their ideas. One of the most popular ideas now is Pay Per Click Campaigning.

With paid search marketing getting more and more popular by the day it is important that you understand some of the advantages and disadvantages of PPC marketing before you go ahead and jump in the pool.


  • PPC listings appear faster while SEO takes a longer time when it is a new site.
  • PPC ads appear when required and the results are instantaneous.
  • It is easier to keep track of your ads with a PPC campaign
  • The Advertiser decides the language, location of the ad, giving him more control.


  • A PPC campaign depends too much on keyword search
  • The budget of a PPC campaign usually fluctuates depending on the bids for the keywords
  • Less effective because more often than not, advertisements are not trusted
  • PPC campaigns are expensive and it takes time to identify the keywords that are not performing
  • There is always the chance of Click Fraud.

This is not to say that PPC marketing is a completely good or a bad thing, but more like a fair warning that will allow you to plug in any holes related to these issues.