Turning Back Time : Good vs. Evil

The basic SMM stuff: the three major dos and the don’ts


1-     Add value to the communities that you participate in. When you write comments, and say stuff that is related to the conversation and make intelligent remarks, it reflects well on your company which you represent. Be yourself, but also be the adult you need to be when representing your company.

2-     Ensure that what you say or do, across any platform, is more focussed on quality rather than quantity, because it is quality that matters and not quantity all the time. Ten meaningless posts on the same thing will equate to one quality post on the same thing. Go figure!

3-     Make sure that the content that you put up is original and unique so that people ACTUALLY read what you have to say. Repeated, copy pasted, plagiarized work is not going to make your readers interested in you or your company


1-     Spam. Nobody likes getting spam; nobody reads spam; nobody cares about spam; so…don’t send spam. It is illegal and all it does is bring down the value of your brand and you definitely don’t want that.

2-     Close your ears and shut yourself up. The purpose of your existence on the internet is listening to what your customers and potential customers have to say. Listen to them and react- make yourself useful on the internet.

3-     Get into SMM unplanned. Make sure that even before you start your foray into SMM you know how to go about it. While it is true that everyone learns by trial and error, ensure that at least a basic structure is in place before you begin.