Turning Back Time : Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail!

In this last segment of Turning Back Time, which focuses on going back to the basics of Social Media Marketing, we are going to talk about planning your SMM strategy.

Any Advertising strategy requires a lot of serious planning and neglecting to plan is one of the more careless things done when running a business. More so than any other marketing strategy, Social Media Marketing requires more planning.

There are 4 goals you need to plan for and achieve when entering the world of Social Media Marketing:

  • Goals: you need to have a clear picture of what you want out of the whole Social Media rigmarole even before you start on it. When you have a clear picture, you know which direction to head and if required, even retrace your steps and go back to the start. Start small, when you achieve one achievable goal, set your sights a bit higher, and so on.
  • CR: Conversion Rate should be your constant Goal. Your main focus and direction needs to b changing, but your constant, never changing focus should be making the readers you customers. Make and write stuff on your pages in such a way your readers and potential customers want to be a part of your clientele.
  • Brand awareness: The basic purpose of going online with your business is so that you can connect to your existing customers, true, but it is also about making your brand popular with the rest of the world. What you can do to make this happen is to make yourself interesting on the social Media Platforms that you are on and promote yourself in such a manner that your OR improves.
  • Market development: When you are talking about going online and making yourself visible and your presence felt, you should focus on developing your market so that the above given goals are achieved and your effort, validated.