Turning back Time: Before the era of Social Media Marketing

We’ve all become so attached to our computers and phones, logged on to a bunch of social media sites, it has become rather tough to imagine a life before it. With children often as young as 12 and 13 having accounts on them, it should really come as no surprise to you that this is the scenario.

Now, how does this really fit in with your business needs and goals. Try, if you will, a scenario where, like in the good old days you had to get snail mails from your customers and you had to reply to them same way, where a telephone conversation which, if connected, was the better option. It sounds scary doesn’t it? Well, that’s what it was like, hardly two decades ago.

With businesses being on the Internet becoming a necessity rather than an option, the scope of social media has improved. When most businesses are online, they are there to tell people of their existence, get in touch with their customers and make conversation with potential customers. Added to this, they also invite the questions and the curiosity of their target audience, addressing issues where required and the like.

The message that is given out by the company by being online and visible is that they are all for conversation and dialogue with customers where it is convenient for issues to be addressed and rectified and suggestions implemented. The positive vibe that is given out is what is making the process of Social Media Marketing for businesses as indispensible as it is.

In this series, we will go back and deal with the various aspects of SMM from the beginning. Stay tuned!