Strengthen your Website to Strengthen your SEO Warship.

Having a well-written content, amazing web layout, robust traffic and huge number of links is just not sufficient. Several poor website character indicators can put down and sink heavily your SEO warship. Since SEO friendly website is also about technical awesomeness, technical components of the website should also be attended with equal importance.

Fewer the internal links better the quality of the website. Maintain an average of close to 100 internal links. Do not propose over ramified internal linking structure. Arrange all the internal links intelligently so that your visitors can pass through those paths smoothly.

The evolving way to a Google penalty today is ‘comment spam’. Employ authentic anti-spam software to weed out all the bad comments and encourage genuine methods like Twitter and Facebook for the users to comment. Ensure that the usage of HTML in the comments is confined.

Crawler consequences are no profitable coming up with high risk of losing many site links. Look into Google Webmaster Tools often to watch out for site crawler issues and follow the remedial measures very quickly.

Do not ignore the page speed, as it matters a lot. Customers expect speediness so do not keep them waiting for long. Quickly run a page speed test for all the landing pages on your site. You can also get help from Google Analytics to ascertain page speed internally.

With too much focusing on site content, many ignore duplicate title tags and meta descriptions. Parallel title tags and meta descriptions also adds to the poor quality of the website. Ensure that you paste only exclusive and unequalled title and descriptions for all the pages.

Always ascertain that your pages are not overloaded with creepy ads. Google has a special penalty if your site is the host for ads beyond its threshold. Ask yourself are those ads really of some good value to you. If your answer is no then try to remove them and create space for something useful and new.

Consider the above suggestions and indicators for a remarkable SEO health.