Putting into Practice the Pareto Principle

Pareto’s principle (known otherwise as the 80/20 rule) says that 80% of all the results come from 20% of the causes. This principle can be applied to absolutely anything, including a web page!

When applied to a webpage, it just implies that it is only 20% of the page that is essential and working on giving you the result you desire and the other 80% is non-essential. So what does this really mean when applied to web pages? What it does not mean is taking off 8 pages from your 10 paged site and leaving 2 on; but making your site simpler and more goal oriented by removing all the distractions and nothing more.

The idea here is to focus on the 20% which is the revenue maker and make it perfect rather than trying to optimize the entire site and wasting time.

The biggest question you might have is: “Why and how is this useful for me?” “80-20ing” you website will benefit the users who will notice your call to action button and the chances of them actually pushing it bigger, directly benefitting you. Your visitors get of view a cleaner, simpler site, they get distracted less and the call to action button is emphasized upon and the stuff that is on the page is of higher quality. The direct benefits you have by using the 80-20 rule include a higher conversion rate, easier design and finally less work to do!

On a parting note, let’s recap: 80% of your site is rather useless and should be optimized for a higher conversion rate!

So, what are you waiting for? GO DO!