Given below is a list of SEO aspects that need to be considered before the process of Web Development begins:
1- Meta Tags on Every Page: Since most Search Engines give a description on their results page, having a Meta Tag for every page makes sense because you never really know which page will be the one turning up as a result.
2- Social Media Sharing Buttons: Social Media Sharing buttons are a necessity because they give the users the option of sharing your product and service and this will help in making you popular and the purpose of the process of SEO is solved.
3-A custom 404 Page: A custom 404 page is important because if there is no specific page that tells people that that one particular page is the only one that is missing, there is a chance that the user will assume the site itself as nonexistent and move to a opponent’s site.
4-Redirects: When you make the page ensure that you leave enough room for redirecting the page if it is required. A redirect can happen when the page is removed or moved, when a link dies and goes off to the wrong page, etc.
5-Consistant Title Structure: Make sure that the titles for all the pages are on similar line. The usual practise is to have a ‘-’ or a ‘|’ between different parts of the title. It helps divide the titles into more readable bits. Having consistent titles helps in keeping the users from getting confused about what page they are on.