PPC Conversion Process

The most important thing about a PPC strategy is that it is not a one shot thing. Just like any other strategy, it is long and requires a fair amount of patience for a good result. And just like any other strategy, it also is the result of a process that focuses on PPC copywriting, click through rates among other factors.

The one thing though that every Internet Marketing Expert will tell you is that for a PPC strategy over any other, consistency is the key to doing well; which just means that, like all other marketing and advertising strategies, it is important that wherever these ads are going up, they need convey the same message. They should include common key phrases and keywords through even all the test phases and the conversion phases because it can then be used to measure the end results.

The goal of a PPC campaign is getting people to click on an ad, true, but the process itself does not end here. It has to get carry forwarded to the click leading to a page where there is information that is relevant to the ad clicked. It is particularly important to have a good landing page from the ad so that the potential customer doesn’t just leave the page once he’s clicked the ad.

The last step to successfully make a random viewer a customer is to ensure that once the person puts it in the cart after making the decision, of the same key phrase repeats itself, so the customer is reassured.

Sticking to the same key phrase at every step of the way often does much more than expected when it comes to PPC campaigns.