ORM Strategies

Ratings and reviews:

Every time it is suggested to someone to implement  a rating and review systems are, the idea is neglected until it goes off to the bottom of the virtual draw and lies there  gathering dust the company is affected negatively by this.

So where do you start really?

The first step should be the creation of a separate page that is unrelated to everything else just asking for reviews of your products and services. This will help you connect with your consumers and address any needs if required.

The second purpose that having reviews serves is that when your potential consumers see the glowing reviews that you existing consumers give you, they will be convinced into using your product. A glowing review page will only make your Online Reputation better; it can’t really hurt your chances.

A rating page is once again something your site should have that is disconnected from the actual navigation of your site. The purpose of this page is so that your clients and consumers can rate what they think of your services.

Your rating page should have a guide to the whole process and the method you are using for the rating. After which it should tell the consumer why this rating is important for you and then actually get them to rate your product.

True, having ratings, reviews and testimonials don’t exactly fall high on most people’s list, but it has become rather important as far as ORM is concerned in today’s world