Major Donts for Social Media Marketing

5: Don’t forget to keep your update/status message updated: you would think ‘This is the most obvious thing in the world…why is it being mentioned, let alone in the top 5?’ A casual run through of any site will tell you that there are enough and more inactive, dead websites that are around and no one cares for them. First and foremost, to be here and now is what social media is all about, don’t forget that.

4: Don’t slander: even if you are sure that you are the best, going about slandering your competitors is a very bad thing to do. Social media should be used as a platform to promote your company. Battling it out with competition is more harmful and useful really.

3: Don’t forget to do both SEO and SMM: don’t let go of one in favour of the other. Even while you do Social Media Marketing, it is important to do the other. The best strategy is one that combines the two for maximum exposure and better business

2: Don’t spam: do not spam the people you want to see as your customers. With spam being the metaphorical garbage of the internet, it is evident that no one really wants it, will do anything they can to avoid it and most importantly does not have nice things to say about the person who sent it. Don’t be that person!

1: Don’t be over eager to do everything right when you start: just because you started late doesn’t mean you get your toes wet at every puddle on the street. Go slow and steady mastering and one thing at a time. Don’t update six times a day just because you can, your followers will get bored and that is not really helpful.

It is not that difficult to figure out what Social Media Marketing is all about nad once you’ve understood what it is really, even a novice can be really successful. It all comes down to how subtle you are.