Going back to the basics: Off page SEO

Off page SEO is the idea of using a number of strategies that allow you to optimize your website by doing things off that page. The goal here is to optimize the desired web page without actually having to go on to the page itself, i.e. without the actual involvement of the page itself and improving its rankings.

It works like this: the more links the better; but high quality links are better still; and even a million links, if they are of low quality, will not do much to improve your page rank. These are the things that you have to commit to memory before you even start thinking of getting into SEO yourself.

Listed below are 5 important things you should know and do, right from the beginning for a good successful SEO strategy:

Video Promotions: Make videos of the product or service, and even, if you can acquire them, testimonials of the same. When you put these up, you are putting a face on your organisation and when your prospective customers see how happy the rest of the world is with your services, they are bound to take action.

Article submissions: Sites like Ezine and Buzzle exist to make your articles popular. Put up articles on these sites, based on your area of expertise and link these back to your site. By doing this, what you will be doing is sending the message that your company knows what its about.

Local Listings: Make sure you are visible on every local listing possible so that your target audience know where to find you.

Photo Sharing: putting up photos and inviting friends and sharing them also drives traffic towards your site. It also has the added advantage of doing what video promotions do: giving a face to the organisation

Answers: Ask and answer relevant questions and don’t spam. This is a great way of directing traffic to your website.