CRO: Unit 2

An Uncluttered Landing is a Converting Landing

Picking up where we left off yesterday, there are a whole host of things that can be done for Conversion Rate Optimisation. However, making sure you have a good landing page is very important. Here’s what you can do to make your Landing page worth landing on:

Graphics: Just because the newest Graphics are out and you can do them, does not mean that they need to be and you page inundated with it! More often than not, the simple stuff alone does the trick. Then again, don’t just leave it at one line underlined. Learn how to balance the simple with the complex.

Testimonials: At the risk of boring some of my readers with necessary reiterating, testimonials are a GREAT thing. When your prospective buyers read what your older customers have to say (obviously the good stuff) they are most likely to buy your product. So get your older customers to write a short concise testimonial about your service or product, or better yet, get a video of it. It helps.

The Look and Feel: I know, you’re probably thinking, if you know what CRO is about, you’d know about having a great website. You’d be surprised at the number of non-professional looking, sloppy sites that exist. Just like you would never walk into a store with clothes falling off the hanger to buy your clothes, make a site that looks and feels and most importantly runs like it was being run by a professional. Have standard colors and a standard font. Remember, the cleaner that Landing page, the chances of prospective customers trusting you

Content Relevance: Again, a surprising number of sites have unconnected images to unconnected text, unconnected text to unconnected names…and the list is endless. DON’T BE THAT GUY!! Make sure that on your site everything is connected and linked to everything and you know who you are aiming the page at. Don’t be responsible for a site intended for kids selling candy with content talking about leather bags and images that show ice cream cones.

Coming up: building the trust of your visitor.