Content Marketing Must Haves

A part of your content marketing strategy, ensure that by all means you have the following aspects in it:

Search Engines: it is very important that when you are writing content that it comes up when someone is searching for information about the same topic. Making this possible is called optimizing the content for Search Engines. You can start with doing a keyword research. This is just so you know where the maximum traffic comes from. Once you’ve determined which the keywords that are most effective are, the point is to integrate those words into your article, which in turn makes them turn up on result pages on search engines.

Backlinks: Backlinks are links that are coming in TO the site, i.e. Inward Links are Backlinks. In most cases, the bigger the number of Backlinks that come back to a page, the more the value attached to it by search engines. Guest publishing is another great way to earn Backlinks- when you guest post at a site, you have to generate a link that will lead back to your blog.

Social Content: It is also important for your blog to have popularity going by the craze for social media sites. When you’ve written something for your blog, make sure that you promote it by going on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Ensure that there is a link in your post that will lead to your page. Instead of just the title, you should put up something that will pique the interest of the people reading and make them want to click on that link.

Make it share worthy, make it free and you are already half way there!

What do you think works miracles for Content Marketing?