Content Marketing 101: Is it worth it?

Let’s start at the beginning: what is Content Marketing? It is the creating and the sharing of content for the purpose of engaging a potential customer. This can be any sort of content really, whitepapers to podcasts, webinars and newsletters. The purpose of Content Marketing is not to toot one’s own horn, but to inform people about the services of the company, the benefits of choosing that company and even developments in that company’s industry. The perceived end result of Content Marketing is Brand Recognition by the customers.

Content Marketing is a very beneficial idea especially for B2B companies and services because they depend, more so than B2C companies on selling to people who know what the product/service is about and hence need to work harder. The proverb ‘Rome was not built in a day’ applies here more so than ever. Content marketing requires a lot of consistent effort and regular exposure to be successful.

The first thing to content Marketing is to know how to get your readers’ attention. What works best is giving them either advice or a solution to a problem and on the next level, entertains them. And what’s better? If you can do both! The goal of this is that the only thing that is going to get any attention is if it entertains or solves a problem. The better your articles are, the more your regular readers will keep coming back. Goal Achieved!

Putting up good content is only one part of content marketing. The other is to make people want to come back to read what you have to say. Sure it seems tough, but is Content Marketing worth it? Most certainly YES!