5 Things You Must Check For Before You Publish That Post

5-Keywords: Ensure that there are enough Keywords in your content. Before you read any further, just because this point says put keywords, does not mean that every second in every line is a keyword. DO NOT be an example for Keyword stuffing, it is not illegal, but frowned upon by everyone (not to mention your readers who will get mighty bored of you do).

4-Shorten the URL: A short URL is easier to remember. Never mind if title of your article is 6 words long, having a shorter URL just makes it easier to remember. It is also convenient for those users who are typing the URL out directly into the search bar, to type out a shorter one, which raises the chances of the article being viewed exponentially.

3-Signature: Identifies you as a writer for your readers. Having a signature at the end helps your audience identify you as a writer. This is more important than ever if you are writing a company blog because it puts a face on the company itself. And you know how helpful that is.

2-Updates: Update the fact that you have a new article put up on all of the social media sites you are a member with. Albeit, this comes after actually putting up the post, but you need to have catchy lines and titles to make people want to read what you have to say. The point of putting up updates on these sites is driving traffic towards your site. The people who are following what you have to say, make it worth their while.

1-Grammar Check: Probably the most important thing EVER. Bad grammar and punctuation can do a lot of damage to your OR if you don’t pay attention to it. Let’s say you have 10 great articles and your eleventh one has2 tiny mistakes, chances are your readers are not coming back.