3 Things That Make Content Go Viral

The whole idea of content marketing really is making sure the largest number of people read it. When someone says that a particular content has gone viral, it just means that that content has been read by a lot of people in a very short span of time. There are various techniques that result in content going viral; these are just three among many more:

The first technique is called The 3 A’s. It refers to the author playing on the three emotions of Anger, Anxiety and Awe. Titles that elicit any of these three emotions in the readers are those that will make the readers want to click on them, leading to your site. High arousal titles are aimed at figuring out what makes the readers tick and working with it.

Practical content is another thing that makes people want to read what you have to say. If what you are saying, the pointers you are giving them are impractical and useless, why would anyone share the article? The advice that you give, if it is practical, useful and most importantly tried and tested the chances of it being shared increases manifold.

The need to interact is the need of the hour today. The more your readers and followers interact with you, the more you listen to them, the better you get to know them. It is not enough that you want to connect with your audience, it s also important that they want to talk to you as well. Have open ended statements, ask questions and make them want to connect with you. This is the key.